Pages : 667
Overall Mark : 7/10
Lisey Landon is the widow of famed author Scott Landon, and deeply misses her dead husband. As she tries to cope with her husband’s death, she is confronted by a number of people who want to get their hands on his unpublished work, including a man named Dooley who threatens Lisey with violence if he is not given the remaining works, but as Lisey looks through Scott’s remaining works, she discovers some long forgotten secrets about him, including a dead brother and a fantasy world which is far more real than she first believed.
This is another of King’s weirder stories, slightly reminiscent of such works as "Secret Window, Secret Garden" and "From A Buick 8". The characters here are engaging and well thought out, and the seemingly simple scenario is stretched to near breaking point in it’s complexities, which just goes to show that King is getting back on track with some of his earlier works.