Pages : 607
Overall Mark : 8/10
Harry Potter finds himself on the run from the Ministry Of Magic and the evil Death Eater’s of Lord Voldemort. Along with his friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, they go in search of the horcruxes which Voldemort has used to store pieces of his soul in the vain hope of destroying him once and for all, but when they discover along the way that some of the horcruxes are far more than they first appear to be.
This is the last Harry Potter novel, apparently, and I’m actually quite glad it’s finally come to an end. Some series of books outstay their welcome, but thankfully this has ended on a high, following a rather poor fifth instalment, and a very good sixth! JK Rowling will no doubt either come up with a new character who will in no way be as good as Potter and his friends, but she won’t care because she’s made more than enough money already. Overall this book was a little too slow paced for my liking, with the ending feeling a bit too rushed for my liking, but it’s still one of the best children’s books out there at the moment, and has managed to achieve the unthinkable; crossing over into adult fiction.