Pages : 306
Overall Mark : 9/10
Nan is a nanny who takes a job working for Mr and Mrs X, taking care of their son Grayer, but Nan soon realises that the X’s consider themselves to have employed not only a nanny but their own personal slave, expecting her to work all the hours that God sends and setting her tasks which are outside of her job description. Lump on top of this the fact that Nan has accidentally discovered that Mr X is having an affair with his secretary, and you’ll find that Nan is in one of the least favourable positions imaginable.
This is a great novel, full of quick wit and fast pacing and the kind of characters you can only despise. The relationship between Nan and her employees makes for a great structure to work around, and the conflicts that interfere throughout the novel make for entertaining reading. I’m glad the movie was just as good as the novel, because it really does make it seem even better.
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